Pregnancy Fitness Tips!
Whether you are in your first trimester or your last weeks, you should take part in a pregnancy fitness program. The benefits you will receive will be well worth the 20 minutes a day you will need to spend. What happens during pregnancy to your body? There are many physiological changes you will go through but there are a lot exercises you can do before, during and after pregnancy for corrective flexibility, strengthening and to feel great. Here are some exercises that are safe for all moms thinking of having a baby or are leading up to the last days of your pregnancy. Already had your baby? It is never too late to start to get your body back!!Always check with your doctor before participating in an exercise program. Pregnancy fitness programs should be talked over with your doctor in each trimester depending on how you feel.
1. Upper Body Rows!
Rows can be done with dumbbells or bands at home. These strengthen your upper back and help your postural muscles. These should always be included in your pregnancy fitness program.
***Make sure you keep your back flat, your spine neutral, your elbow stays tucked in and you squeeze your shoulder blades together as you row the weight back.
-Before Pregnancy- You will want to strengthen your postural muscles to prepare for the extra weight you will carry in your chest, belly and pressure from your lower back.
-During Pregnancy- During pregnancy your chest will become swollen and grow. Also imagine someone duck taping a gallon of water to your abdomen. This is only 8 pounds; the weight of the baby. This will put a huge strain on your upper back muscles and your shoulders start to round forward. This can lead to neck problems and even spinal pain. Including rows in your program will also functionally train you to one day carry your baby through a mall, grocery store or up and down stairs. Preparing now will make things much easier for you post pregnancy.
-Post Pregnancy- If you haven’t started exercising yet, most likely your chest is very tight and your upper back is very loose and weak from pregnancy. Your shoulders also may round forward slightly. Rows can correct this and improve your posture. They also train those muscles you will use carrying around your baby when they want nothing to do with their stroller! Which is pretty often isn’t it.
2. Plie Squats.
Plie squats can be done with a 10 pound dumbbell pre pregnancy to prepare for the added weight. During your 2nd and last trimester you can use your own body weight.
*** Put your weight in your heels, your knees behind your toes, your core tight and your shoulders back.
-Before Pregnancy- Imagine carrying around the gallon of water duck taped to your belly and also two bricks taped to each of your legs. This is how much more pressure is going to be on your joints and legs. You will want to strengthen the muscles in your legs and your knees. This will make it easier to get up and down stairs, walking around or even standing in one place.
-During Pregnancy- During pregnancy you will want to continue your plie squats to maintain strong legs and core. Moving around will also improve circulation.
-Post Pregnancy- Not only will you be carrying your baby around, but your baby will get heavier! Keep working on those squats and you will have the best toned legs at your kids preschool.
3. Kegels
Kegels can be done in all stages of your pregnancy. Your pregnancy fitness program should always include kegels. They strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
-Before Pregnancy- Every woman should practice kegels. Before pregnancy, these will prepare for the extra pressure on your bladder and pelvis.
-During Pregnancy- During pregnancy you will want to continue your kegels. Delivery will be easier when you push. Kegels also prevent excessive tearing. This means your recovery will be faster.
-Post Pregnancy- Kegels will tone up anything that has been stretched during your pregnancy. Doing these in your post pregnancy fitness program will bring you back to where you were before.
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4. Side Leg Lifts.
These can be done either lying on your side or standing up on one leg. You may begin standing near a wall with one hand on the wall. Eventually you will want to work on your core balance and stand on one leg. If you are in bed rest this exercise improves circulation preventing blood clots.
*** If you are standing keep your stationary leg's knee soft and your core tight.
-Before Pregnancy- You will want to improve your balance before you are pregnant because your center of gravity is going to change drastically. Falling up or down stairs or on uneven ground will leave you and your baby unsafe. Perform leg lifts 3 days and week keeping a tight core. Your core will be the most important part of your body to exercise during your pregnancy fitness program.
-During Pregnancy- As I said before your center of gravity is going to be changing. Working on your balance and being aware of this will help you during your pregnancy. Leg lifts will also help with opening up your hips and circulation. If you are told to be in bed rest, do these on your side in the morning and some at night.
-Post Pregnancy- Once your baby is born you will feel very imbalanced and your hips will be very weak from the pressure of your baby. Your fitness program should include many balance and core exercises.
5. Quadruped Opposite Arm and Leg Raise.
Quadruped Opposite Arm and Leg Raises help with lower back strengthening and core balance! All stages will benefit from this exercise!
*** Make sure your core is tight and that you pause as you bring your leg and arm up.
-Before Pregnancy- Prepare your body! Your pregnancy fitness program should include this exercise for the added stress on your lower back.
-During Pregnancy- Your lower back needs to be strong to hold your core up. Do these at least 4 days a week.
-Post Pregnancy- I will say this one more time... your baby will only get heavier! Always try to carry your baby on different sides too. This will help with lower back pain.
Stretches should always be included in your pregnancy fitness program! Areas on your body will be much tighter than others
Chest wall stretch
Shoulder stretch.
Hip stretch,
IT band stretch.
Hamstring stretch.
Calve stretch.
Quad stretch.
Glute Stretch.
Lower Back Stretch.
Don’t have a Pregnancy Fitness Program? Our programs include explanatory videos for each exercise and can be done in the privacy of your own home. Go to our Fitness Program Page. We have many to choose from! If you need a customized fitness program we offer these too.
Be the healthiest you and have a healthy baby.
The Best,
Katrina Hodgson
Baby-Strong Trainer