I just made this tonight with a bunch of veggies I bought at Russo's this afternoon.
Here is what you need and how to do it!
- bone in or boneless pork chops
- 1 Asian eggplant
- 1/2 White onion
- 1 cup chopped baby bok choy
- 1 cup rainbow swiss chard chopped
- 1/4 cup red pepper chopped
- fresh porcini mushroom ravioli
- 1/4 cup snap peas
- olive oil
Heat a large skillet on medium high heat and season your pork to taste with sea salt/pepper or whatever else you like. Add a bit of olive oil to the pan and sear the pork on both sides until brown and then lower the heat a bit and cook for additional 5 to 6 minutes until medium/well.
Set aside and add onion, peppers, and eggplant to pan with a bi more olive oil. Cook until eggplant is soft and then add your remaining veggies, cover, and let wilt. While these are cooking you should add your ravioli to boiling water and cook until they float. Combine the ravioli to the veggie mixture just to coat with the flavors and plate it up.
Very tasty and easy. 30 minutes tops! Chicken or steak can be used as a substitute.