Friday, June 24, 2011

Mixed Berry Protein Smoothie

Mixed Berry Protein Smoothie

Now that summer is here there will be plenty of access to fresh fruit however I always use the frozen stuff for smoothies because it helps thicken the drink rather than being watered down.

This is an easy recipe that I constantly make after I workout or for a snack and never really measure.

1/2 cup of frozen wild blueberries
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1 fresh banana
6oz of yogurt (not the sugary stuff)
1 scoop of high quality protein powder (I use Hammer Nutrition)

Add everything to the blender and maybe 3/4 cup of water. Blend until thoroughly smooth and continue to add water for desired consistency.

Great for summer and hot weather, and for a post-workout recovery drink!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Grilled Multigrain Flatbreat Fiddlehead & Red Onion Pizza with Balsamic

Grilled Multigrain Flatbreat Fiddlehead & Red Onion Pizza with Balsamic

So I walk into Wholefoods hungry and noticed a pile of fiddleheads which you can only find in the spring since they are in fact baby ferns.. yes you know the green plants you see in the forest!
I'm thinking this would make a great pizza for some reason with sliced red onions.

Here is what you need and how to do it:

- Wholefoods multi-grain pizza dough cut into 2 equal balls
- Few handfuls of fresh fiddleheads
- Thinly sliced red onion
- Crushed garlic
- EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
- Lemon juice from one lemon
- Shaved pecorino romano cheese

1. Roll out your dough at room temp until thin and somewhat round until you have 2 crusts. Fire up your gill or large cast iron pan and spray the dough with EVOO, grill both sides until toasty brown and then set aside.
2. Mix your fiddleheads in a bowl with red onions, lemon juice, garlic, and EVOO drizzle until coated completely. Sea salt and pepper is fine as well.
3. Layer the shaved pecorino romano on each flat bread and then cover each crust with your fiddlehead mixture.
4. Bake in a 400 degree oven for another 10 minutes until everything is piping hot.
5. Drizzle high quality balsamic over each pizza and serve immediately.
