Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Soy Milk is Unhealthy

Here is the process of how soy beans turns into soy milk:

Soybeans are "milked" to make soy milk, and transmogrified into health-harming products nobody needs.

After presoaking beans in an alkaline solution, the resulting paste is cooked in a pressure cooker, eliminating key nutrients and producing low levels of the toxin lysinoalanine.

After that, the production process becomes a matter of cleaning up the undesirable, beany taste of soy milk, either by presoaking beans beforehand with baking soda or "deodorizing" them using a process similar to refining oil. Sweeteners (raw cane crystals, barley malt or brown rice syrup) and flavorings mask any remaining "beaniness."

Sales of soy milk came to $1 billion in 2005. But soy milk drinkers might be surprised to learn that soy milk was originally considered nothing more than a step in the process of making tofu. Soy milk consumption didn't pick up until the late 1970s, when advertisers began promoting it as an energy drink.

The soy industry has long concentrated on taste rather than health, however. And since soy milk doesn't exist naturally in nature, it is, and always has been, a processed food.

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